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liste des participants du meeting Bilderberg 2012

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Message par monoxygene2000 Dim 3 Juin - 20:04

Almunia, Joaquín - Vice-President - Commissioner for Competition, European Commission
Gucht, Karel de - Commissioner for Trade, European Commission
Kroes, Neelie - Vice President, Commissioner for Digital Agenda, European Commission
Lamy, Pascal - Director-General, World Trade Organization (OMC)
Sheeran, Josette - Vice Chairman, World Economic Forum
Vimont, Pierre - Executive Secretary General, European External Action Service
Zoellick, Robert B. - President, The World Bank Group (Banque Mondiale)

Ajami, Fouad - Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Alexander, Keith B. - Commander, US Cyber Command ; Director, National Security Agency (NSA)
Altman, Roger C. - Chairman, Evercore Partners
Collins, Timothy C. - CEO and Senior Managing Director, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
Daniels, Jr., Mitchell E. - Governor of Indiana
DeMuth, Christopher - Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute
Donilon, Thomas E. - National Security Advisor, The White House
Evans, J. Michael - Vice Chairman, Global Head of Growth Markets, Goldman Sachs & Co.
Ferguson, Niall - Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University
Gephardt, Richard A. - President and CEO, Gephardt Group
Goolsbee, Austan D. - Professor of Economics, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Graham, Donald E. - Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post
Harris, Britt - CIO, Teacher Retirement System of Texas
Hoffman, Reid - Co-founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn
Huntsman, Jr., Jon M. - Chairman, Huntsman Cancer Foundation
Jacobs, Kenneth M. - Chairman and CEO, Lazard
Johnson, James A. - Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC
Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. - Senior Managing Director, Lazard
Karp, Alexander - CEO, Palantir Technologies
Karsner, Alexander - Executive Chairman, Manifest Energy, Inc
Kerry, John - Senator for Massachusetts
Kissinger, Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
Kleinfeld, Klaus - Chairman and CEO, Alcoa
Kodmani, Bassma - Member of the Executive Bureau and Head of Foreign Affairs, Syrian National Council
Kravis, Henry R. - Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Kravis, Marie-Josée - Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Krupp, Fred - President, Environmental Defense Fund
Li, Cheng - Director of Research and Senior Fellow, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution
Lipsky, John - Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Johns Hopkins University
Liveris, Andrew N. - President, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company
Lynn, William J. - Chairman and CEO, DRS Technologies, Inc.
Mathews, Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Mehlman, Kenneth B. - Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Mundie, Craig J. - Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation
Noonan, Peggy - Author, Columnist, The Wall Street Journal
Orszag, Peter R. - Vice Chairman, Citigroup
Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
Rattner, Steven - Chairman, Willett Advisors LLC
Rogoff, Kenneth S. - Professor of Economics, Harvard University
Rose, Charlie - Executive Editor and Anchor, Charlie Rose
Ross, Dennis B. - Counselor, Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Rubin, Robert E. - Co-Chairman, Former Secretary of the Treasury, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Schmidt, Eric E. - Executive Chairman, Google Inc.
Shambaugh, David - Director, China Policy Program, George Washington University
Speyer, Jerry I. - Chairman and Co-CEO, Tishman Speyer
Thiel, Peter A. - President, Clarium Capital / Thiel Capital
Warsh, Kevin - Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Wolfensohn, James D. - Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company
Yergin, Daniel - Chairman, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates

Carney, Mark J. - Governor, Bank of Canada
Clark, W. Edmund - Group President and CEO, TD Bank Group
McKenna, Frank - Deputy Chair, TD Bank Group
Prichard, J. Robert S. - Chair, Torys LLP
Redford, Alison M. - Premier of Alberta
Reisman, Heather M. - CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.
Wright, Nigel S. - Chief of Staff, Office of the Prime Minister

Agius, Marcus - Chairman, Barclays Bank
Boles, Nick - Member of Parliament
Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of Justice
Dudley, Robert - Group Chief Executive, BP
Flint, Douglas J. - Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings
Kerr, John - Independent Member, House of Lords
Mandelson, Peter - Member, House of Lords ; Chairman, Global Counsel
Micklethwait, John - Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
Rachman, Gideon - Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times
Voser, Peter - CEO, Royal Dutch Shell
Wolf, Martin H. - Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times

Ackermann, Josef - Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG
Enders, Thomas - CEO, Airbus
Ischinger, Wolfgang - Chairman, Munich Security Conference ; Global Head Government Relations, Allianz SE
Koch, Roland - CEO, Bilfinger Berger SE
Löscher, Peter - President and CEO, Siemens AG
Nass, Matthias - Chief International Correspondent, Die Zeit
Reitzle, Wolfgang - CEO & President, Linde AG
Trittin, Jürgen - Parliamentary Leader, Alliance 90/The Greens

Baverez, Nicolas - Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
Béchu, Christophe - Senator, and Chairman, General Council of Maine-et-Loire
Chalendar, Pierre André de - Chairman and CEO, Saint-Gobain
Izraelewicz, Erik - CEO, Le Monde
Montbrial, Thierry de - President, French Institute for International Relations (IFRI)
Senard, Jean-Dominique - CEO, Michelin Group
Karvar, Anousheh - Inspector, Inter-ministerial Audit and Evaluation Office for Social, Health, Employment and Labor Policies

H.R.H. Prince Philippe of Belgium

Supino, Pietro - Chairman and Publisher, Tamedia AG
Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman, Novartis AG

Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Economics, Leiden University ; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings
Beatrix, H.M. the Queen of the Netherlands
Polman, Paul - CEO, Unilever PLC
Pechtold, Alexander - Parliamentary Leader, Democrats '66 (D66)
Scheffer, Paul - Professor of European Studies, Tilburg University
Rutte, Mark - Prime Minister

Andresen, Johan H. - Owner and CEO, FERD
Brandtzæg, Svein Richard - President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA

Bonnier, Jonas - President and CEO, Bonnier AB
Carlsson, Gunilla - Minister for International Development Cooperation
Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman, Investor AB

Christiansen, Jeppe - CEO, Maj Invest
Federspiel, Ulrik - Executive Vice President, Haldor Topsøe A/S
Mchangama, Jacob - Director of Legal Affairs, Center for Political Studies (CEPOS)

Apunen, Matti - Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA
Ollila, Jorma - Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell
Urpilainen, Jutta - Minister of Finance
Siilasmaa, Risto - Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nokia Corporation

Bronner, Oscar - Publisher, Der Standard Medienwelt
Cernko, Willibald - CEO, UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Faymann, Werner - Federal Chancellor
Scholten, Rudolf - Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

Rostowski, Jacek - Minister of Finance

IETC, ETC, ETC .....

 liste des participants du meeting Bilderberg 2012  60124310

Masculin Messages : 610
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2009
Age : 49
Localisation : lune

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Message par eveil Lun 4 Juin - 5:49

Wink Bonjour MONO et bonjour à tous,

Merçi pour cette liste , les noms en disent long....

Les Bilderberg une société plus très secrète


Masculin Messages : 6886
Date d'inscription : 10/11/2009
Age : 61
Localisation : de retour en france ( aquitaine )

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